And then...(silence).
Like a whisper that you could just barely hear, but couldn't quite make out.
Now here I am again: unemployed, under worked, and BORED. Mostly looking for an outlet, but also thinking that this could be a way to somehow help me gather my strength and my emotional armor in an effort to charge forward. A way to stumble upon the next chapter in my life. So, "I'm back, b-aaaaa-ck in the Bloggle again."
But I've never been one for shameless self promotion.
Although, like most people, I think my opinion of things (the state of the world, the latest movie, the quality of service at the local gag-a-teria) is pretty much right on, so of course people will be interested in what I have to say. Right? Build it and they will come? Right? Just write something and someone will read it, Right?
"Not so fast my friend!"
This whole blog thing is, well, like most things we encounter in life: it is not as easy as it first appears. It's the 'ol "seemed like a good idea at the time" trick! The 'ol "bait and switch." The 'ol "try it, you'll like it!"
And damn it! Now I'm stuck. You see, now I have to do this. I need to do this. I must follow through on this. My entire future now depends on it! I will very likely, when I look back at my life from some future where and when, point to this exact moment as the turning point. For better or for worse. For richer or for poorer. For light or for dark.
It's funny, I read a post on a blog today ("There's a Difference Between an Etch-a-Sketch Drawing and a Master's Degree") that I happened upon while bumbling around the web, and it was good. Pretty damn good. No. Real good. Good enough to make me smile and make me think. It made me think about all of my own false starts, ideas, could haves, maybes, successes, failures, and might-have-beens. That is why this is now so important. Thanks a LOT, Margret "Crymes" (if that is, in fact, your real name!)
So I scraped together a couple of bucks (quite literally) and took a leap and purchased "31 Days to Build a Better Blog" by Darren Rowse
So the first assignment is: Write An Elevator Pitch for Your Blog. Hmmmm. Intriguing. You mean I should treat this like any other business or marketing venture? How very interesting!?! Oh, I get it..."it's a profit deal!" I should not only pour my thoughts, opinions, emotions, knowledge, and expertise out to the word at large, but I should expect to get paid for it as well!
Now the really hard part... what am I actually going to concentrate on (see: "There's a Difference Between an Etch-a-Sketch Drawing and a Master's Degree")?!? It's difficult, at best, for me to limit my topics since I'm such a goddamn know-it-all! So for now, I'm going with this:
"Bogeyman's Blog" is a working class rationalist's views on energy and other relevant social issues. With over 15 years of residential construction experience and a professional and educational background that includes speech communications, physics, engineering, building science, energy management, and small business ownership, Bogeyman (that's me!) will tackle the questions and concerns surrounding these social and practical issues in a layman's way. Whether it's practical advice on simple energy management around the home or business, "best practices" for insulation and air sealing, comparing various methods of heating and cooling, or taking a hard look at the realities and practicalities of renewable energy, this blog will have a focus! "Focus, damn it, focus!"
With that said, I hereby reserve the right to engage any topic that grabs my attention ant any given time. (Ohhhhhh, it soooo shiny!)
There you have it. Off the cuff and hot off the press. Isn't the Internet(s) awesome!?!
"You betcha!"
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